Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Write Your Future For 2014 {a clean sheet}

Every year I make goals for the new year, most of which involve fitness and eating healthy. I love to do it, mostly because I love making lists. I swear, if I got paid for each list I made, I would be doing pretty good. Anyway, who doesn't love the new year and all the resolutions, it's essentially as if you get to start over. This year I am particularly excited about writing my resolutions.

One of my husband's best friend's Mom sent us an amazing letter a few weeks back and it has really changed my perspective about writing my New Year's Resolutions. She is an amazing person, and she has done so much for us. I can't begin to tell you the joy I feel when she is around. When I received the package in the mail, I tore right into it because she always sends the most thoughtful things. As I began to read through it, my tummy started to tickle and I could just feel a wondrous joy in my heart. I found myself reading it over again because as I read the words I became more and more inspired to write a new future for myself and my family.

She had asked for a specific prophecy, from the Lord, for each person in her family. One night she heard it loud and clear, "it's time." She asked, "time for what?". The Lord answered with, "It's time to ask me for miracles." She said it was like he was in the room with her, she just awoke in the middle of the night to his voice. She couldn't tell if she heard the words aloud, or it was in her heart ( I love that feeling).  A few days after God spoke to her she got an e-mail from the Elijah List and it was as if it was God that sent the e-mail to her. It was the exact explanation for God's word a few days earlier, "it's time to ask me for miracles." It's times like that, you know it's God speaking to you, the chills are just a side effect :)! God wants each of us to write a large future for ourselves. Take time to sit down and write your hearts desires on a blank sheet of paper for 2014. Get excited about it, believe that everything you write on that blank sheet of paper will come true. Pray about it everyday, talk to the Lord about it, ask for answers, ask for those miracles you have been wanting. Take some time to yourself to really get into it. Pretend you are writing a story and you are the main character, you have a whole book to fill about whatever you want for your life. Be strong and courageous, write down things you can't even imagine happening to you, this is your time to ask for miracles. God wants you to ask for them, ask and you shall receive. I encourage you all to read the e-mail, he does a great job of explaining what God wants us all to do, as well as getting you pumped up for a great year in 2014!! The e-mail can be found HERE.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Baby Must Haves {0-3 Months}

Even though the first three months were a bit of a blur for us, there are some items I remember being absolute life savers. There are so many baby items on the market it makes decision making extra difficult. I found a lot of my favorite items from product collages and blogs. It's nice to know what other mommas really like. Here are our favorite items from the first three months.

1. Aden + Anais Bamboo Swaddles: These are my number one baby item. I can't say it enough, they are AMAZING. They can be used for just about anything (nursing cover, swaddle, car seat cover, etc.). There have been times I have even slept with them. Spend a little extra and get the bamboo ones, they are so unbelievably soft. They are 47" x 47" which is little bigger than the ones from Babies R Us or Target, so you can use them longer. I got ours from albeebaby.com with a 15% off coupon. 

2. Cloud B Sleep Sheep On The Go: White noise is a must with a brand new baby. I honestly think it helps them sleep better. This sheep is sooo cute! We ended up getting the on the go one because it was cheaper and it does the exact same thing as the bigger one. We took this thing everywhere we went for the first 3-4 months so I am so happy we went with the smaller one. Any sort of white noise is worth the money.

3. Rock & Play: Aww...the glorious rock & play!!! I swear this thing is amazing. Whitney was anything but an easy baby. However, she slept like an angel, and in large part due to the rock & play. It's tilted at an angle so if you are like me and worry about them spitting up, it's perfect. There were so many times I would get her to sleep and within 10 minutes she would be fussing, it was so handy to be able to rock it back and forth with my hand or foot while laying in bed (sometimes I would rock myself to sleep). 

4. Bouncy Chair: Bouncy chairs are a must!! They are very handy when you want to shower, get ready, make the bed, whatever you want to do around the house, bouncy chairs make it possible. They are easy to tote around from room to room and it lets baby see out so they can explore the room with their eyes. I suggest getting a gender neutral one if you plan on having more kids. 

5. Ergobaby: Like I said earlier, Whitney was a bit of a challenge, and the Ergobaby carrier with the infant insert was our saving grace. There were times she would cry for hours on end, but the instant we put her in this she was out. It also helped me get out of the house, I would go for walks or go shopping and she would just sleep away. A nice infant carrier can make life much better in those early months. 

6. California Baby Calming Lotion: I like to think part of the reason she slept so good was this lotion. We started a pretty good routine of putting this on after bath time every night. It's all natural and made with essential oils (which I love). The smell is a little strong and if you don't like lavender it's not for you. The calendula lotion from California Baby smells similar but not near as strong, so that would be a good alternative. I love all their products, I only have wonderful things to say about them.

7. Play Mat: With Whitney being such a crank, there were only a few things that would give me that little 10-15 minute break of fussing during the day, and the play mat was one of them. She 
loved looking and batting at the toys, kicking around and just laying there. There are tons of play mats out there and I honestly think any of them will do the job. From my understanding, some babies like them and some don't, I wouldn't spend a bunch of money on trying different ones out if you have a baby that doesn't seem to like it.

8. Pack & Play: This thing was a life saver. It was so handy to have in our living room for the first few months. I loved having a change pad facing me, it made it so much easier to change her. This is another item I would go gender neutral on.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Baby's First Christmas...Shopping Guide

It's Christmas time!!! Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. We get to spend lots of time with family and friends, enjoy good food and lots of laughter. Having trouble finding a gift for the newest addition to the family? This Christmas shopping guide will help make Baby's first Christmas special!


Friday, December 6, 2013

Breastfeeding {& all the adventures it accompanies} Part 2

I LOVE product collages. I have gotten so many great ideas from people due to their product collages. I thought it was only fitting that I make my own. Here are the products that have made our breastfeeding journey easier and much more enjoyable.

1. Gilligan & O'Malley Nursing Bra: Honestly this bra does the job for me just fine. I like structure to my bras. The softer ones don't shape my breasts the way I want them to. I am the small chested girl that loves VS Very Sexy bras (lift and structure). These are in no way comparable but they are cheap and they get the job done.

2. Gilligan & O'Malley Nursing Tank: My absolute favorite breastfeeding product!!!! When we are at the house I live in these. I also wear them as an under shirt a lot. They don't have a ton of support so I usually wear my nursing bra under which also helps with easy access. They are well made, thick straps and good material. 

3. Lanolin: This was my savior! Be careful though, it's really greasy. I think just about any brand of lanolin will do the job. I tried the medela brand as well as lansinoh and they both worked great. 

4. Aden + Anais Bamboo Swaddles: These make wonderful nursing covers. I love the bamboo ones, they are so soft and cuddly. The bigger sized ones are better because they cover up more and can be used to swaddle longer. Best purchase ever...even my husband agrees.

5. Lansinoh Nursing Pads: Buy these by the truck load! It's pretty embarrassing to run out of pads right before the repairman comes, while you have a random let down and leak through your shirt...just saying :)! Honestly, they are a lifesaver.

6. Water Bottle: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. It's very important to drinks lots and lots of water. Having a nice, cute and fun water bottle by your side helps a lot. I like the skinny ones so they can fit in the cup holder of our stroller. 

7. Burp Cloths: These are so handy to have around. Whitney doesn't spit up very much, if at all, my breasts on the other hand, that's a different story. It seems like something would always happen and I would spray EVERYWHERE. Any sort of towel or burp cloth works just fine. It's just necessary to have something handy.

8. Mother's Milk Tea: Like I said in my earlier post, I never had supply issues, but I did make this tea a part of my morning ritual. It really does help. If you have any sort of supply issues I would definitely suggest it.

9. Medela Pump In Style: I LOVE this pump. I haven't used any other brand, but I am here to tell you, it's worth the money. You will love it!! I got mine off of craigslist...sketchy? haha a little, but the lady I bought it from had never used it, it was still in the box and everything. If you can't afford it, look around, try craigslist (if it's new), maybe borrow one from your sister or something (buy new parts), or check with your insurance. A nice pump can give you that little bit of freedom you have been searching for.

10. Heat Pad: Remember those blocked ducts I talked about in my previous post? Applying heat and massaging it out worked the best for me. I even tried feeding her on all fours above her (gravity)...it was ridiculously weird and it didn't help. The heat also helps with let downs. Hopefully none of you have an issue with blocked ducts, but if you do heat pads are nice to have around. 

Honestly, it doesn't take much to breastfeed your baby. I can survive without all of these things (except water) but they do make the experience easier and a little more enjoyable. Just ask Whitney :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Breastfeeding {& all the adventures it accompanies} Part 1

Aww breastfeeding! Where to begin?! So many experiences, sore nipples, leaking like a sieve, taking off your entire dress in the back of the car in the nick of time, the list goes on. It's been quite the experience. A hard but wonderful experience at that.

When I was pregnant I did a ton of research on breastfeeding. It was something that meant a lot to me and I knew I wanted to breastfeed my baby. I bought books, read blog after blog of other women's experiences and went to classes. I learned so much about it, the anatomy, the latch, sore nipples, milk supply, weaning, etc. Still, the thought of actually breastfeeding a baby made me a little uneasy. I think partly because it seemed so foreign to me, I mean the thought of actually having breastmilk in my breasts was soooo weird to think about. On top of that, feeding a baby from them (sounds a little immature now)!!!!! Would I ever breastfeed in public? How would I feel about that? Will I have enough to satisfy my baby? But, my boobs are so small!! Will it hurt? If there is a question about breastfeeding I asked it! I worried so much about it, I think I had developed a little bit of anxiety about it. All I wanted was to be successful. My Mom breastfed us kids, which in large part is the reason it meant so much to me. I knew in my heart that she did her very best for us kids and in turn I needed to do my very best for my kids. However, I have seen many unfortunate issues with breastfeeding. I knew it was going to be tough but tough doesn't even begin to describe those first couple of months.

I remember while I was pregnant listening to a lactation nurse talk about how sore your nipples will be in the first couple of weeks and thinking to myself...pfff toughen up a little, it can't be that bad. I just knew the sore nipples were a joke and that it was bearable pain that wouldn't last very long. Boy was I mistaken!

If there was one thing I remember from the research I did, it was that the first latch is very important. She was laying on my chest, only minutes old and I asked the nurse if I needed to feed her. The response I got was a confident no, not yet. It seemed odd to me because everything I knew was that it needed to be SOON after birth. So, she laid there on my chest and Brandon and I talked to her, touched her and were basically in awe of this beautiful baby girl we made that was finally here. Then they took her, weighed her and bathed her. They finally gave her back to me, and it began. The first latch! It was within the first hour which is good and thankfully it didn't take her long to figure out what was going on. But it didn't take long for my nipples to feel that burn. By the end of the day they basically looked like a crime scene. I'm pretty sure I was the talk of the nurses station because every nurse, doctor, aid, etc., that came in to our room asked about my nipples because they heard they were so bad. They were bad!! I met with the lactation nurse a few times while I was in the hospital, she watched the process and thought everything looked fine. For some reason they all thought there had to be something wrong with her latch because my nipples were so bad looking. Finally, about an hour or two before we leave the hospital the lactation nurse comes in and tells us she thinks Whitney has tongue tie. Excuse me? What is that? Apparently it decreases the mobility of the tongue which would give her a shallow latch...the reason my nipples looked so bad. So, we had her doctor check it out and she said everything looked just fine. No tongue tie thankfully, but all the talk about how terrible my nipples looked made me think something actually was wrong with her latch.

The next couple of weeks we went about our business, shying away from bottles and pacifiers to make sure the latch was perfect and breastfeeding was going to be successful.  But that excruciating pain when she latched on hadn't gone away. The scabs however did heal thanks to what I call nipple therapy (expressing a little milk and letting it dry in the sun with my shirt off :)  & lots of lanolin). Then we had trouble with a forceful let-down. She would gag, choke and get really bad gas.Then she started making the clicking noise while she ate. Then I got a terrible blocked duct, ran a fever and couldn't sleep because of the pain. There were many tears and many emotions. There were times I didn't think breastfeeding was for me, I thought maybe my nipples just weren't cut out for it. Before she would latch I would take big breaths and hold on to the couch for dear life while I curled my toes so tight I could scream. Finally, I met with a lactation nurse again. I had cracked nipples but she thought the latch looked fine. It gave me hope! She told me she thought the clicking noise was just because my milk was right there and too much for baby to handle, which would change over time. She said one bad feeding can take a week to heal, so to make sure baby was properly latched during those night feedings. So, we went home and I took that little hope I had and continued to pray my heart out for some relief and...I got it. Right around 4-5 weeks the pain subsided and I was a new woman. Feedings didn't hurt anymore! It was in those moments that I thanked God for giving me the courage to continue on.

With the nipple relief, the trapped feelings I was experiencing started to also subside. I'm sure most first time mothers who breastfeed get it...but then again maybe it's just me. I was overwhelmed with the feeling that in a couple hours or less I would have to sit down and feed her again for another 20-30 minutes. It was like my freedom had been taken from me. It sounds selfish of me now but at the time it was a big struggle. Breastfeeding is tough, very tough. It's an around the clock job and in those early months it can really wear you down. I truly believe the first couple months are the hardest. If you can make it past that hump your hard work will truly pay off.

My advice to those of you who are struggling with breastfeeding is sit down, relax and think about all the millions of mothers who have breastfed their babies successfully. Meet with a lactation consultant, see if there is a la lecha league group near you, talk to mothers who have breastfed before, support is key to success.
Just having someone to talk to, who knows what you are going through makes it so much easier. I am a little competitive, and when I was struggling I used to think about some of my friends who have breastfed, and I used to tell myself, "come on Kara, don't be a wimp, you can do this...so and so did it." I also prayed that God would give me the tools I needed to continue. I reminded myself over and over again that it is such a natural thing and God intended us to feed our babies this way. Just believe that you can do it, know you can do it and you will do it. It's such an amazing journey and I would be willing to say that all mothers would agree. You get to watch your baby thrive all because of you.

Whitney is almost eight months and I am still breastfeeding. I'm so unbelievably happy I stuck with it. It's so fun to watch her reaction when she gets ready to eat. She went through a stage where at the sound of my shirt or bra clicking, she would throw her head back with her mouth wide open with anticipation. It was so stinkin' funny. I would have to have one arm ready to catch her, otherwise she would bonk her head on the chair. Every now and then when she gets really hungry she will dive bomb my chest, panting and moving her head back and forth. She isn't shy about it, that's for sure. It's brought us so close and we have such an amazing bond because of it. I just can't begin to tell you how happy I am that I kept with it.  Like I said earlier, I have seen so many unfortunate issues with breastfeeding and thankfully mine were just terrible nipples. It seems like there is a lot of pressure anymore to breastfeed  and I truly believe every situation is different. If you can do it, I encourage you to stick with it. You will never regret it, and it become one of your most treasured accomplishments.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Best Banana Bread Muffins...EVER!

My Mom gave me this recipe and I am pretty sure she got it from her Mom. It's a wonderful recipe, they turn out great every time. I'm almost certain you can't mess them up.

And of course, the day I decide to make them, I am all out of cupcake liners! This recipe makes 2 dozen muffins.

  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 6 Tbsp buttermilk
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 1/2 cups mashed bananas {I use three large bananas}
  • 2 1/2 cups flour

  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line muffin tins with muffin liners.
  • Cream the butter, shortening, brown sugar and white sugar.

  • Then add eggs and mix.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and mix to combine.
  • Fill muffin liners 3/4 of the way full. If you don't have liners just make sure to grease the muffin tins really well.
  • Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. The tops turn a nice golden brown when done.




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