Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fitness Overhaul (week 2)

I am in week 2 of my fitness overhaul. P90X is going good, I am already starting to feel stronger. I'm definitely not as sore this week as I was last week. I have done every single workout except yoga X of week 1. I don't know what it is about yoga X, but I HATE it, and it's a whoppin' hour and a half thanks! I always tell myself I need to get my mind right, it will feel better once I'm done. I like every other workout in the program. I just despise yoga X, I wish I didn't, but that's the cold hard truth. I am planning on rubbing a few drops of wild orange essential oil on my wrist right before I start it, so hopefully it will lift my spirits :)!

I have been trying to use some of Bob Harper's Skinny Rules. I have been trying to take a rule at a time and implementing it in my daily routine.

This week's rule: Eat apples and berries every single day!

Why? They are low in calories, high in fiber and have phytochemicals that aid in metabolism.

Here are a few ways I have added them into my diet.

I like to buy a bag of organic apples every week. I just wash one, then slice it with my slicer and grab a spoonful of PB or Almond Butter as a snack.

Plain oatmeal with berries! I like to buy frozen berries because they are way cheaper. If I don't want them frozen, I usually pop a handful in the microwave for about 15 seconds and then let the hot oatmeal warm them up the rest of the way.

I love smoothies and they are a great way to add berries into your everyday diet. I also love smoothies because I have a really hard time eating enough leafy greens. You can't even taste the spinach in this smoothie. 


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