Thursday, July 2, 2015

Life Lately {just us girls}

I started this blog with the intention of it being more like a diary. Something I could look back on in years and be so thankful I documented all the wonderful days I spend with these little munchkins. But, I haven't been very good at it, so it's time I get better.

my church girls...Whit 2, Hailey 10 weeks

These two girls keep me very busy day in and day out. It's true when they say a mothers job is never done. Every day is a new adventure with them. Whitney is learning to potty train, we pretty much have it down, but I'm not brave enough to take her anywhere without a diaper on. Hailey is starting to stay awake a lot more during the day. I think she is trying to shift to two naps a day. When she's awake she likes watching big sis run and jump around her. Every now and then Whit will scare her if she jumps too close to her, or screams in her ear.  

10 weeks

I take Whit to the park almost every day. There are two parks in Prineville I switch between, and if I make a trip to Redmond I take her to one there. Hailey usually sleeps the whole time and I lug her around in her carseat, or if she's awake I carry her around and let her watch Whit climb everything imaginable. 

Lately they have been on the same nap schedule, so I get some serious mama time in the afternoon. I hate to say it, but I live for nap time...and of course the weekends. It's nice to have some time to myself during the day. I try to keep busy with projects for the house or etsy, but sometimes it's just a greys kinda day haha. I call it my social interaction time ;). 

I've been on this soy latte kick for a while now, and I just found out they do puppaccino's at starbucks. It's amazing, just a little cup of whipped cream for the toddler in the back seat. If we go to dutch brothers I usually get her a smoothie with whipped cream on the straw. It's so fun to see her face light up with excitement. I'm obsessed with that little lover bug, even if she sasses me all day long (at least I can't understand her right now). 


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