Thursday, February 25, 2016

Whitney Anne

OH boy, we hit the threenager stage with this little girl. Everyone told me it's the toughest with girls and I just turned my head. Let's just say a lot of things have been a struggle with my little lover bug, so I figured we would be the lucky ones and pass right over it. Oh no, we're there.

From the day she was born, she's had sass. Now she can talk so she can actually tell me what she's thinking, not just scowl hahaha. As tough as it is at times, you just have to laugh because it's so darn funny. But I think I've been told "no" (no Mom) more times in the last month than she has in her maybe not.

She is just a bundle of personality and sass and as hard as she is to handle I just can't get enough of her.

Brandon was outside on a work call and Whitney went out there and copied him, when we told her to come inside she yelled "I'm talking to MIMI"

Her favorite thing to do is play dress up. She got about 3 hand-me-down princess dresses that she wears ALL THE TIME. She also loves to dress up in my tank tops. I think she thinks she is an actual princess. The other day we went to the haba park (McDondalds Play Land) and this little boy was calling her princess so I think she told him her name was princess ;)!

The other day she comes running out into the living room wearing her Ariel dress, riding her stick horse AND wearing heels. She looked so darn cute, I tried to get a good picture, but she hates pictures and it was a really dark day.


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