Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide {for toddlers}

Christmas time already?? I'm sooo excited to buy for Whitney this year. I've been searching for the perfect gifts because I want it to be so special for her. She doesn't talk very well, she can't really tell me what she wants for Christmas so it's all up to me. But here are some ideas, I hope you find them helpful. If you guys have any suggestions I would love to hear them!


I didn't put a link to the teepee because there are sooo many out there. Also, you can totally make one and pick out your own special colors. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

My Wishlist For Baby {number 2}

I find myself making tons and tons of lists of things I want to get for this baby. Or things I wish I had more of with Whitney. I love looking through the product collages on pinterest to get ideas so here is my list of things I am so very excited to get. It's probably not that long, but for baby #2 it's pretty lengthy haha. If any of you have any suggestions or comments on a particular product please comment!! I would love to hear from other mamas.

1. Swaddles! I loved the bamboo Aden + Anais swaddles. We only got a 3 pack of them, so this time around I'd like to make sure we have about 6-10. I would also like to try the muslin ones and the Bebe Au Lait ones.

2. Burp Cloths! Last time I mostly made a bunch which worked just fine but this go around I'm dying to try the Aden + Anais Burpy Bibs.

3. A+A Dream Blanket! I've been wanting to get one for Whitney for a long long time, but she is so particular about her favorite blanket I don't want it to be a waste of money. They are so spendy I want to make sure it's something that we will get a lot of use out of.

4. SwaddleDesigns Receiving Blankets! These were on the list last time, but I thought I would just make some. However, this time I would really like to buy at least one to use at the beginning. I really liked to swaddle Whit with the A+A one, then swaddle again with a flannel blanket to keep her warm. I've heard so many good things about them, I just really want to try it out.

5. Halo Sleep Sack! We used a sleep sack last time, but it wasn't the halo version. I like the Halo ones because you can unswaddle their arms. I also got a microfleece one because it will still be a little chilly in April. If the new babe likes it I will probably get a cotton one (for summer) in a larger size.

6. Carseat Canopy! I bought some gorgeous fabric last time and made a wonderful blanket but I couldn't make myself ruin it by putting the straps on it to hook to the carseat. So lame! This time I think I will just use my coupon and buy one of those super cute ones online. 

7. California Baby! This is the brand I have always used with Whitney and I absolutely love it. This go around I would like to try their diaper regimen supplies as well. 

 8. A+A Hooded Towels and Washcloths! A+A towels are definitely worth the money. They are sturdy towels and will last a long time. I just wish they were a little softer. I would like to get a couple more this go around.

9. Wipes Warmer! I read everywhere that it was a waste of money. And maybe they are, but to be honest I HATE using cold wipes down there. And I can tell it bothers Whitney, so I think we will get one and try it out this time.

10. Petal Diffuser! We have a humidifier that gets no use whatsoever. I used it a few times in the beginning but thankfully Whitney hardly ever gets a cold and when she does I just diffuse essential oils. So I would LOVE to get the petal diffuser for the new babe's room. 

11. Organic Breathe Easy Rub! We used some all natural rub on Whitney but The Honest Company came out with an organic rub that I would LOVE to try. 
12. Camilia and Amber Necklace! Teething is such a pain. It seems like it's never ending. I've been wanting to try both Camilia and an Amber necklace because I have heard such wonderful things about each but I guess when we are in a teething spell the last thing I want to do it order something and have to wait for it to come...maybe I should just better prepare myself :)!

13. Kiinde Feeding Set! Now this is absolutely amazing. The one thing I hated about pumping and storing milk was I never felt like we would get it to the right temperature and I always worried that we would lose nutrients. I was still breastfeeding Whitney when I found out about this wonderful invention but I never could justify it. This time I would at least like to try the warmer, I will just make sure I get it on zulily when it's a lot cheaper.

14. Boppy Pillow! It seems like lots of people are obsessed with the boppy. I just got the free nursing pillow which I think is smaller and I never could get it to work quite right. So, this time I would really like to try the original boppy pillow or the Bebe Au Lait nursing pillow to see if it's something that makes nursing easier.

15. Bouncy Seat! Whitney still loves her, so we definitely need to get a new one for the new babe. I'm still a little torn though, I don't know if I should get one of those really fun ones or another comfy one with a soft toy that goes above it. 

16. Fisher Price Snugabunny Swing! We have one of the swings with a tray that is basically in the upright position. This time I would really like to try the fisher price one, I've heard so many wonderful things about them. And everyone has told me they are worth the money.

17. Cloud B Night Light! We have the cloud B sleep sheep and we loved it, but it only stays on for a certain amount of time. I'd really like to try this guy out and see if it's something the new babe just absolutely loves. I might try it out on Whitney first :)!

18. New Diaper Bag! Not that I don't love my diaper bag, I would just like to get something a little smaller with more pockets. I have been eyeing the IKAbags on etsy for a really long time. I'm pretty much obsessed, and I really think it will be something I can use for a lifetime. I've also been looking at a cheaper route, the Skip Hop Duo in French Stripe.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween {minnie mouse style}

It was Whitney's second Halloween. This year was much more enjoyable for all of us and I'm sure they will only get better. We decided she would go as Minnie Mouse because she seems to really like her and the outfit was pretty darn cute...and cheap at Costco.

Our little Minnie Mouse!

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