Monday, May 11, 2015

Baby Girl Newborn Pictures {hailey sue}

I would have to say that newborn pictures are a must! Last time I felt like I wasn't completely prepared for them. This time was a little bitter sweet, I was prepared as far as what I wanted her to wear but I hadn't made arrangements for a photographer yet. So it was a little last minute and the stuff I bought for her to wear the photographer said wouldn't work with the way she photographs. Had I been a little more prepared I could have done something a little different. 

There were a few photos that I loved. My advice is to get a photographer in advance and talk to them about what you're thinking. Make sure it's exactly what you want because they are only a week old one time and it goes by super fast. I think next time I might just try and do them on my own. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hailey Sue {one month}

Hailey is already a month old and what a blessing she is. She hasn't been in our lives for very long but it literally seems like she has been a part of our family forever. I can't imagine our lives without her now. She is a little sweetheart and I'm so excited to see watch her grow.

She gives us lots and lots of sleeping smiles.
She has the cutest little coos.
She isn't the biggest fan of bath time.
She sleeps like an angel (5-6 hours at night)
She loves her big sister.
She wiggles and grunts ALL night long.
She loves to nurse.
She sleeps better swaddled.
She hates her car seat.
She gets a little fussy every evening until bed time.
She is gorgeous.

Basically, she is amazing.

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