Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fitness Overhaul

While I was pregnant I tried to stay as active as possible because fitness is something I love and cherish. I cherish it because I am able to workout, I have the physical means to be active, while some don't, so it is definitely something I don't take advantage of. While I did stay pretty active during my pregnancy, it was the weeks after that really got me. I was sore, it was hard for me to walk and Whit was a very needy newborn. I hadn't quite figured out the right balance between baby and fitness.

Then, I found walking. Before baby, I would have turned my nose to walking. It was just never for me, I liked intense workouts, with lots of sweat, weights and cardio. I can now say, I have a new love for walking. Walking really did help burn off that baby weight (except the last five I'm storing for breastfeeding) and it made me feel as if I was getting that runners high, but with walking. The best part about it, the babe enjoys it also. By the end of fall I was walking twice a day, I would do one 3 mile loop and one 1.5 mile loop, both of which had a steep hill to climb. After last fall, I will always love walking and once the weather gets nice again it will be a part of my daily routine again.

However, I have been feeling like it's time to get back to my fitness routine before baby. Since it's smack dab in the middle of winter I have decided to do P90X. In the six years I have owned P90X I have only gotten through the entire thing ONCE. I learned to absolutely love P90X and it really did change my life. It's my goal to get through the entire thing once again. I have always enjoyed working out at home, I have always thought the time it takes to get my stuff together, drive to the gym, and get situated is a waste of time (for me). Call me crazy, but I find I lose motivation really quick with gym memberships, mostly because I live a solid 30 minutes from any gym. The time it would take me to drive to the gym and back, I could have finished a workout DVD at home. I personally really like the structure of workout videos because it's all laid out for you (warm up, actual workout and cool down). I have really enjoyed P90X, Insanity and Slim in 6, and I would recommend each of them to anyone who enjoys working out at home.

I am a firm believer that nutrition is the biggest part of getting in really good shape, so I tend to eat healthier, but I do splurge :). Since I am still breastfeeding I decided to not do the P90X diet program exactly the way it's set up.  I eat when I'm hungry, I just make sure it's healthy. I do however like Tony Horton's rule of 90/10, 90% of your food should be healthy and natural food (one ingredient), and the other 10% can be your splurge (chocolate cake). He talks a lot about one ingredient foods and mixing them up to make a meal. Basically, the less processed the better. Everyone knows that, right?! :)

So, P90x began Monday. I am doing the Lean version because I like the balance between cardio and weight lifting in the Lean program, rather than the Classic program. Monday went well, yesterday was pretty tough, not as hard as today though. Today I was tired and sore, and honestly I didn't feel like doing it. Finding that motivation used to be a lot easier than it is now. One thing I like to do it look at the health and fitness tab on pinterest because it brings me back to the days of working out all the time and it makes me yearn for that passion I once had.  I know I will get back there, it will just take lots of dedication and hard work. But I am proud to say, my journey began Monday and I have already taken a few steps towards the right direction.


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